National Glory

Scooter racing around Australia is still in its infancy, presenting any player the chance of national glory.

As Kickbiking expands, official race meets will multiply, culminating in the selection of an Australian team to compete in the upcoming World Championships.

The Governing body of our sport is the (IKSA) International Kicksled and Scooter Association . They aim to take us to the Olympics. Given that Kicksledding appeared as a demo sport in the winter Olympics, they’re kicking goals.

The Australian Footbike Association has been set up with the goal of having competitive participation at the bi-annual Footbike World Champs. Join us at The Association has been successful with it’s first goal. We have had an Australian team at every World Champs since 2010 except 2020 and 2022 due to covid. See for full details. They were also successful with their 2nd goal. They won a bid to host the Footbike World Championships here in Australia back in 2016. The successful event was held in July 2016 on the Gold Coast.

If you think yér butt’s seen better days, take heed. Most competitors in Europe are aged 30+ and they look a treat.  Plus we have age category racing, so you will be competing against those in your age range. We have also had competitors go from nothing to being competitive in the space of 2 years.